énézet&oldid=56936998, Historisch monument in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata, Wikipedia:Commonscat met lokaal zelfde link als op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. [19][20] The section across the Avignon branch of the Rhône was replaced by a suspension bridge in 1843. [5] The bridge was only 4.9 m (16 ft 1 in) in width, including the parapets at the sides. De brug had niet alleen een commerciële functie; ze was ook van militair belang want het werd de grenspost tussen de pauselijke stadsstaat Avignon (linkeroever) en het koninkrijk Frankrijk (rechteroever). J.-C. : étude croisée de géographie historique et des paléoenvironnements", Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, "Les crues sur le bas Rhône de 1500 à nos jours. The bridge was also the site of devotion by the Rhône boatmen, whose patron saint was Saint Nicholas. [37][d] In the survey of the ruined piers in the Villeneuve channel, a pier (listed as number 14) was found to contain wooden beams within the masonry. These reduce the scour around the piers, one of the main threats to the stability of stone bridges. [5][c] Remains of other piers are buried under a thick layer of sediment on the island or at the bottom of the Rhône. A la suite d’une enquête de quatre ans qui a mobilisé historiens, archéologues, architectes, géologues et ingénieurs, la première reconstitution numérique de l’ouvrage vient d’être effectuée, comme le montre cette vidéo publiée en A sample of this wood was radiodated to 890 AD. De Pont Saint-Bénézet, vooral bekend onder de naam Pont d'Avignon, is in feite slechts het restant van een historische brug over de Rhône in het centrum van de Zuid-Franse stad Avignon. [28] On the Avignon side, a large gatehouse was erected in the 14th century and then extensively modified in the 15th century. View towards Avignon by Étienne Martellange, 1609. Beginning in 1234 the bridge was rebuilt with 22 stone arches. Sur le Pont d'Avignon chanson - Comptine bébé | HeyKids - YouTube. Trop gros, il n'aurait pas du … After almost 500 years his body was removed, and his relics are at Saint-Didier in Avignon. A side door was created in the lower chapel as the stonework of the raised bridge blocked the original entrance. [24], The lower chapel with its apse decorated with five arches dates from the second half of the 12th century. Des historiens médiévistes et une équipe de scientifiques sont parvenus à reconstituer le pont d’Avignon en 3D. Origineel werd er dus gedanst "sous le pont" (onder de brug) en niet "sur le pont" (op de brug) zoals nu over de hele wereld wordt gezongen. Véritable prouesse technique le pont s'étirait sur 900 mètres et comptait 22 arches. Il ne reste plus aujourd’hui que quatre arches du célèbre pont d’Avignon, qui, au Moyen Âge, traversait tout le Rhône sur plus de 900 mètres. Danse-t-on vraiment sur le pont? Alpes-de-Haute-Provence le 01 février 2021 - Hélène SAVEUSE - BTP. De brug was oorspronkelijk 900 meter lang en had 22 bogen. Deze 12e-eeuwse brug vormde ooit de enige vaste oeververbinding over de rivier tussen Lyon en de Middellandse Zee. [42] The modern version of the song dates from the mid-19th century when Adolphe Adam included it in the opéra comique Le Sourd ou l'Auberge pleine which was first performed in Paris in 1853. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. De Pont Saint-Bénézet, vooral bekend onder de naam Pont d'Avignon, is in feite slechts het restant van een historische brug over de Rhône in het centrum van de Zuid-Franse stad Avignon. The article also included long quotes from an unpublished report by Mr Mathian, an engineer working for the CNR, on a survey carried out in 1965 on the four intact piers on the Avignon side of the river. The bridge was abandoned in the mid-17th century as the arches tended to collapse each time the Rhône flooded making it very expensive to maintain. REPLAY - Des historiens, des géologues, des cinéastes ont modélisé et reconstitué en 3D le pont d'Avignon tel qu'il était après sa construction au 12ème siècle. Na een reparatie werd de brug in de loop der eeuwen vaak beschadigd door overstromingen van de Rhône. Reconstruire le pont de la rivière Godefroy, tout en protégeant l’environnement CBC/Radio-Canada. Arch 7 has collapsed. Samples of wood from these were sent for dating, but at the time of the publication of the article, the results had not been received. A sample of the wood was dated by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) using the radiocarbon technique to between 290 and 530 AD, corresponding to the end of the Roman Empire. [6], The arches are segmental rather than the semi-circular shape typically used in Roman bridges. The bishop of Avignon, at first skeptical, finally approved the project, and work began in 1177. [26] This chapel was destroyed by the major flood of the Rhône that occurred in 1856. [16][17] The piers have cutwaters that are pointed both upstream and downstream. The nave is covered with stone roof tiles which rest on a series of corbels. Nog slechts enkele bogen zijn er thans over. Op het Île de la Barthelasse, onder een van de bogen van de brug, was een café met muziek waar het dansen heel populair was. Marié surmised that this early bridge had collapsed over the following seven centuries and the 12th century Bénézet bridge had consisted of a decking supported on wooden piles linking the ruined Roman piers. [39], The archaeologist Dominique Carru, while accepting the radiocarbon date for the sample of wood, argued in 1999 that it is very unlikely that an earlier bridge existed. Le semi-remorque a abîmé sa cargaison. Entièrement fait de pierres, cette passerelle était conçue sur les ruines d’un ancien pont romain dominé par un tablier en bois. The upper floor is on a level with the platform of the bridge and reduces the width of the walkway to 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in). Victime des conflits des hommes mais plus encore des crues du fleuve, le « pont d’Avignon » demeure un chantier permanent jusqu’au milieu du XVIIe siècle où, face à la violence du Rhône, les hommes abandonnent la reconstruction incessante des vingt-deux arches du pont de pierre médiéval. Camping du Pont d’Avignon heeft 298 staanplaatsen op een bebost kampeerterrein van 7,6 hectare. Dès lors, ces derniers décidèrent de l’aider à réaliser son projet titanesque. Shop Today. An earlier song with the same title was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. Sa construction débuta en [32][33] In 1892 Louis Rochetin published an article suggesting that the projecting stone blocks at the base of the first pier and those on either side of the second pier supporting the chapel were the remains of springers that would have supported earlier Roman arches. The right bank, which was controlled by the French crown, was overlooked by the fortress of the Tour Philippe-le-Bel which was built at the beginning of the 14th century. [29], Between 1265 and 1309 another stone bridge was constructed across the Rhône, 40 km (25 mi) upstream from Avignon, at what is now Pont-Saint-Esprit but then known as Saint-Saturnin-du-Port. The Pont-Saint-Esprit bridge originally had 20 arches and a length of 900 m (980 yd). The opera was an adaptation of the 1790 comedy by Desforges.[43]. The Chapel of Saint Nicholas which sits on the second pier of the bridge, was constructed in the second half of 12th century but has since been substantially altered. Het lied wordt daarna herhaald, waarbij in de voorlaatste regel steeds andere personen aan bod komen. De brug was oorspronkelijk 900 meter lang en had 22 bogen. The melody was published by Ottaviano Petrucci in his Harmonice Musices Odhecaton of 1503–4. The bridge crossed small islands that lay upstream of the Île de Piot. Its origins can be traced back to the 15th century and originally the song was about a dance under the bridge of Avignon (sous le pont d’Avignon) rather than on the bridge as it is performed currently (sur le pont d’Avignon). The bridge chapel has undergone several phases of reconstruction and restoration. De brug zelf is veel te smal om op te dansen. Bénézet reputedly overcame many obstacles miraculously, and construction of the bridge was said to have caused 18 miraculous healings. De gemeentecamping, Camping du Pont d’Avignon, ligt op een eiland in de rivier de Rhône, het Île de la Barthelasse, pal tegenover de stad Avignon. [5] The only other visible vestige of the bridge is some masonry from pier 11 that is attached to a private building on the Île de la Barthelasse. Nog slechts enkele bogen zijn er thans over. Le pont d'Avignon, le voilà ! [30], The Chapel of Saint Nicholas and the four remaining arches were listed as a Monument historique in 1840. Voilà à quoi ressemblait le pont d'Avignon lorsqu'il était entier, en 1550 ? The 16th-century composer Pierre Certon used the melody in a mass with the title of "Sus le Pont d'Avignon". Created Date. Between 1806 and 1818 a wooden bridge was built across the two branches of the river, a few hundred metres south of the old bridge at the Porte de l'Oulle. Masonry from the piers was reached at a depth of 3 m (10 ft) below ground level. Dit inspireerde tot een minstens zo populair lied. Convinced that the work was ordained by God, wealthy patrons formed the first “Bridge-Building Brotherhood” to fund Bénézet's endeavour. In 1513 a pentagonal apse with gothic columns was added to the upper chapel. As such, it was closely guarded on both sides of the river. Le pont d’Avignon, entre mythe et réalité The ruined bridge as depicted by Joseph Vernet, 1756. Bij de brug worden geregeld dansfeesten georganiseerd. The polygonal apse has a flat roof and sits above the cutwater of the pier. The bridge was the inspiration for the song Sur le pont d'Avignon and is considered a landmark of the city.
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