Passeport ou pas passeport ? Of particular note is Jersey's relationship with the City of London. All rights reserved. This Guide covers a range of matters which may be relevant to Jersey businesses. We have investors in EU and non-EU states. They have immediate legal effect and form part of Jersey law without the need to enact local legislation (pursuant to the European Union (Jersey) Law 1973) (as amended) (1973 Law)). Any adverse affect on financial services businesses in London caused by Brexit is likely to be felt in Jersey. It also requires equal treatment by the islands' authorities of all EU citizens. makes provision for the interpretation and status of EU law in Jersey after exit day. The NPPR permits the marketing of non-EEA alternative investment funds in the EEA, subject to national law and regulation in force in the relevant country. After the UK leaves the EU (no matter what the terms of the UK's exit), those rights will continue. Whilst the Government of Jersey's stated objectives in its Brexit preparations include mitigating any adverse impacts of Brexit (notably on trade in goods and services and on immigration) and pursuing any opportunities that are created as a result of Brexit, it is important that businesses in Jersey continue to understand the changes and measures being adopted and how they may be affected, not least to enable them to explore the potential opportunities that Brexit may bring. The effect of this is that the European Investment Fund (the EIF) (being a specialist provider of risk finance for small and medium-sized enterprises across Europe, backed by the European Investment Bank, EU, and a range of public and private banks and finance institutions) confirmed that there is no impediment to the EIF investing in Jersey private equity or venture capital funds, meaning that Jersey funds continue to be open to billions of Euros of potential investments. Jersey's sanctions regime under the Sanctions Law operates completely independently of those in other jurisdictions. The MoU will come into effect on 1 January 2021, once EU law no longer applies in the UK, either through a ‘no deal’ Brexit or at the end of the transition period. Firstly, remember that Protocol 3 only provides for the trade in goods (not services) between Jersey and the EU. Under AIFMD, the NPPR applies until such time as a marketing passport for third countries is made available. Dès octobre 2021, les citoyens de l'UE qui veulent voyager vers le Royaume-Uni auront besoin d'un passeport pour y entrer. ‘From 30 March 2019 if you are a British passport holder (including those passports issued by the Jersey Passport Office), you will be considered a … Sans compter les répercussions du Brexit. The Sanctions Law enables Jersey, as it sees fit, to continue to implement EU sanctions measures, make provision for the temporary implementation of UN financial sanctions listings and permits the future enactment of regulations in Jersey to correspond to sanctions measures that the UK may issue under the Sanctions Act. At an administrative level, businesses may need to update documents such as policies and procedures and contracts to account for the UK no longer being part of the EU. Les ressortissants de l'Union européenne arrivant à Jersey (adultes et mineurs) doivent être munis soit d'un passeport, soit simplement d'une carte d'identité en cours de validité. Jersey has enacted the European Union (Repeal and Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2018 (Brexit Law), which will come into force at the end of the transition period, to repeal the domestic legislation which had been implemented to bring the provisions of Protocol 3 into force in Jersey, together with additional enabling legislation to facilitate the new post-Brexit environment. My company owns property in London which is leased to a company based in London. Les discussions entre Londres et Bruxelles patinent (aussi) sur le front des services financiers. The JFSC has also arranged to update the relevant Jersey policy related to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), code of practice, regulations and guidance so that a materially similar approach can continue in Jersey for both private placement under AIFMD and in the UK under its new regime. whether there will be a comprehensive free trade agreement in place from 1 January 2020 or whether the trading relationship will be (at least initially) on World Trade Organisation terms, i.e. Il n'y aura peut-être qu'un seul bateau pour effectuer ces traversées. You will have to apply to the Jersey EU Settlement Scheme in the same way as all other EU citizens. AIFMD is not relevant to Jersey funds with a Jersey manager which markets outside the EU/EEA. Accordingly, Brexit was not a frustrating event in that case. As a result, it is at the end of the transition period that, in many people's eyes, true "Brexit" will occur. That said, Jersey has taken steps to protect trade (in both goods and services) between the UK, the EU and the rest of the world – see next question. Jersey has also taken steps to ensure continued market access for Jersey investment funds into the UK post-Brexit. For example, Jersey has entered into Tax Information Exchange Agreements with most EU member states. Attention, il faudra bientôt un passeport pour aller au Royaume-Uni Brexit : le Royaume-Uni n’a toujours pas son passeport financier pour l’Europe. Or jusque là, seuls 25% des passagers présentaient un passeport lors des traversées. Beaucoup de gens de passage voient qu'il y a cette liaison avec les îles, c'est l'espace d'une journée, deux jours grand maximum. A 'no deal' Brexit may well compromise the transfer of data between the UK and Europe. Jersey is currently part of the EU Customs Union by virtue of Protocol 3, which also provides (with limited exceptions) for the free movement of persons between Jersey and the EU. Broadly speaking, the effects of Protocol 3 are that no customs duties are applied to goods exported from Jersey to members of the Customs Union but a common customs tariff applies to goods imported into the Customs Union from non-member countries. The UK has also so far made it clear that it will negotiate a new economic partnership for Jersey (along with Guernsey and the Isle of Man) that is commensurate with Jersey's economic needs. Will anything change? Dans quelle proportion ? ESMA published its assessment of potential "first wave" Third Countries and along with Guernsey and Switzerland found that were no significant obstacles to Jersey becoming a Third Country jurisdiction. We use cookies to improve your user experience. PANDÉMIE DE COVID-19 : les flux de personnes entre la France et le Royaume-Uni sont soumis à des restrictions. C'est pour l'instant ce qui est prévu à partir d'octobre 2021. We share customer data across the group. En 2020, les liaisons maritimes entre la côte ouest de la Manche et les îles anglo-normandes, assurées par la compagnie Manche îles express, ont quasiment toutes été annulées et la perspective pour 2021 est "très pessimiste" selon le Département de la Manche. When the UK joined the EU (the European Economic Community (EEC) as it was then) in 1973, it was agreed that Jersey would benefit from the UK's membership of the EU by bringing it, along with the other Crown Dependencies, within the EU Customs Union for the purposes of trade in certain goods (but not services), whilst preserving its autonomy. Une carte d'identité ne sera plus suffisante. The States of Jersey has given a commitment to secure the rights of EU citizens and their family members resident in Jersey once the UK leaves the EU. Jusqu'au Brexit, les citoyens britanniques qui n'ont qu'un lien avec Jersey étaient des citoyens de l'Union européenne (un citoyen de l'UE étant défini par le traité de Maastricht comme une personne ayant la nationalité d'un État membre) mais n'avaient pas de droits de libre circulation dans l'UE. Despite ongoing uncertainty, Jersey has been working towards putting in place all required legislative and other measures as quickly as possible, together with guidance for businesses, to take account of the likely impact of Brexit on Jersey, irrespective of whether there is a "deal" or "no deal". For the purposes of this article, "Brexit" refers to the end of this transition period. Jersey has enacted the European Union (Repeal and Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2018 (Brexit Law), which will come into force at the end of the transition period, to repeal the domestic legislation which had been implemented to bring the provisions of Protocol 3 into force in Jersey, together with additional enabling legislation to facilitate the new post-Brexit environment. It continues in accordance with the existing trading relationship by virtue of Protocol 3 to the UK’s treaty of Accession to the European Union (“Protocol 3”). It is generally thought that in a number of key areas (such as the financial services industry and data protection) the impact of Brexit will be minimal and that actually Brexit presents opportunities for businesses in Jersey. Through Protocol 3 certain Regulations relating to trade in goods (predominantly agriculture and fisheries) are directly applicable in Jersey. Ce sujet n’est d’ailleurs pas à l’ordre du jour des négociations – la période de transition envisagée permettant seulement l’octroi d’un sursis quant à la perte de ces autorisations. An agreement was reached in January to allow EU boats to continue to fish in Jersey waters until May 1 as a new post-Brexit license system was developed by the Jersey Government. À cause du brexit faut-il prévoir un passeport pour un séjour en écosse à partir d'avril 2019 - forum Écosse - Besoin d'infos sur Écosse ? The UK formally ceased to be a member of the EU on 31 January 2020. Si la situation sanitaire s'améliore cet été, les liaisons "pourraient reprendre" explique Jean Morin, mais encore faut-il que "les îles s'ouvrent un peu" et qu'elles permettent un accès relativement simple pour les visiteurs. Brexit. Jersey funds are currently eligible to be marketed into the EU and EEA in accordance with the provisions of the AIFMD through the NPPR regime. Jersey’s financial services regulator (the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC)) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority which ensures Jersey firms can continue to use the UK’s National Private Placement Regime (NPPR) after Brexit. Will I need a visa to travel to the UK or Ireland? To be eligible for the scheme, EU citizens must have arrived in Jersey on or before 31 December 2020. EU sanctions included any relevant UN measures. To varying degrees, Brexit will affect those relationships. Parties concerned that Brexit may lead to uneconomic or disadvantageous consequences should review their contracts, engage with counterparties to mitigate risks and, where necessary, take appropriate legal advice. The UK, Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man are all part of the Common Travel Area (CTA), which reflects a long-standing constitutional arrangement enabling citizens to move freely between, and reside in, these jurisdictions. At the time of writing this article, it is still unclear exactly what the future relationship between the UK and the EU will be, i.e. Le rendez-vous était fixé pour l’année2020 à Jersey, mais pour des raisons liées à la crise de la Covid-19, c’est par visioconférence qu’il a eu lieu il y a quelques jours. The EU Commission has not yet pressed ahead with the implementation of the third country passporting regime, but in light of Brexit this is likely to gain greater focus and the indications are that if and when the regime is put in place Jersey will be amongst the first non-EU countries to be granted passporting rights. On peut classer ces points en deux catégories : les points négatifs et les points positifs. Le nouveau passeport britannique, présenté le 21 février, retrouve sa couleur bleu sombre. Copyright © 2021 Collas Crill. Passeport ou pas passeport ? L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri Il avait fait son apparition en 1921 avant d'être remplacé par le bordeaux. For example, any force majeure clause or material adverse change clause (for further information on considerations relating to these clauses, please see our briefing here in the context of COVID-19). Brexit S’abonner à ce sujet d’actualité (gratuit) ... (Angleterre, de l'Écosse, de l'Irlande du Nord, du Pays de Galles ou des îles de Jersey et Guernesey) qu'avec un passeport valide. My business is part of a group with offices in Jersey and Europe. Quelque 170 « emplois qualifiés » au sein de l'entreprise britannique De La Rue sont menacés. Will they be forced to leave? Alors que le Brexit est toujours dans l'impasse, comme un symbole, un nouveau passeport britannique a été dévoilé samedi 6 avril. The High Court rejected a claim that a lease had been frustrated by Brexit when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) attempted to terminate the lease of its headquarters in Canary Wharf. Do we have to start again? Jersey is able to market financial services to the EU because those services currently meet the requirements imposed by the EU (which will not change because of Brexit). Design by Potting Shed. Where Directives may be applicable under Protocol 3, they can be implemented locally by Ordinance, at which point, they become domestic law and will have legal force in Jersey by virtue of being Jersey law, rather than European law. The JFSC entered into a memorandum of understanding with the FCA in March 2019 providing certainty that access by Jersey funds and managers to UK investors will continue uninterrupted and irrespective of any Brexit outcome. L'an dernier, du fait d'abord de la fermeture des frontières puis des contrôles sanitaires drastiques pour accéder sur les îles et faute de rentabilité suffisante, il n'y a eu que 8 traversées organisées durant l'été, pour quelques centaines de passagers. The judge found that Brexit had not made the lease impossible to perform – there was no rule of law that required the EMA to have its headquarters within the EU and the EMA would still be able to comply with its obligations under the lease after the UK had left the EU. This is necessary to ensure that, after Brexit in March 2019, Jersey residents can continue to drive their own vehicles Mais ils n'ont pas leur passeport avec eux. A compter du 1er octobre 2021, votre seule carte nationale d’identité ne vous permettra plus de voyager au Royaume … La délégation de service public avec Manche îles express s'arrête fin 2021 et "pourrait même être résiliée avant". Les liaisons maritimes entre la Manche et les îles anglo-normandes pourraient ne pas reprendre d'ici le mois de juin 2021 et l'été s'annonce encore incertain à cause de la crise sanitaire et du coronavirus. Ce que le Brexit va changer pour les voyageurs européens. More commonly, sanctions were implemented by way of Regulations or Orders under the Implementation Law, which provided that a particular EU Regulation imposing sanctions is to be treated as part of domestic law. Jusqu’au 1er octobre 2021, vous pourrez continuer à voyager muni de votre carte nationale d’identité ou de ou votre passeport en cours de validité. However, on 31 December 2020, at the end of the transition period, it will cease to apply, simultaneously with all other arrangements between the UK and the EU. Jersey is home to a large number of banks, trust companies, fund administrators, fund managers and other financial institutions that provide services to individuals and businesses in the EU, so it is vital for Jersey's economy that the export of services to the EU (and the UK) is not affected by Brexit. Guernsey and Jersey are Crown Dependencies, whose relationship with Britain stems from the sovereignty of the British Crown, rather than the UK … At that point, they become domestic law and have legal force in Jersey by virtue of being Jersey law, rather than European law. Jersey has its own government which is elected locally, makes its own laws (including in respect of taxation) and has its own court system. Many businesses in Jersey have commercial ties with the UK and/or the EU, whether as part of the same corporate group as businesses in the UK or the EU, as suppliers to or customers of UK or EU businesses, as owners of assets in the UK or the EU or as employers of EU citizens. It should be noted that the UN and the EU are key bodies that adopt sanctions measures which may include the following measures: Traditionally, the Jersey sanctions regime allowed it to adopt those sanctions through various mechanisms. Un bateau au lieu de deux, cela pourrait même devenir la norme car avec le Brexit, il faudra désormais un passeport pour rejoindre les îles anglo-normandes. If a deal is agreed between the UK and the EU and, as anticipated, the deal includes a transition period where the UK's agreement with the EU and obligations towards the EU will be maintained for a period post-Brexit (the Transition Period), Jersey will only repeal the 1973 law when the Transition Period comes to an end. If the lease contains a break clause or specifically entitles the tenant to terminate the lease in the event that the UK leaves the EU (or potentially, if the transition period ends with a "no-deal" Brexit), then potentially the tenant may exercise its break or seek to terminate the lease after Brexit (provided it complies with any requirements in the lease). Politicians from both islands regularly travel to Brussels to meet with representatives of the EU institutions and both islands have committed to ensuring that they continue to have strong relationships across Europe, irrespective of Brexit. During the transition period, the relationship between the UK and the EU (and consequently, the relationship between the EU and Jersey) has been largely unaltered. There are several reasons for this: Jersey is a Crown Dependency and as such it has a special constitutional relationship with the British Crown which is underpinned by historic Royal Charters dating back to the 14th century. This agreement was set out in Protocol 3. Jersey (together with the other Crown Dependencies) has also entered into a customs union with the UK which covers all trade in goods which eliminates any customs duty on imports and exports within the union, and adopts a common customs tariff in relations with third countries, to ensure trade between the UK and Jersey is unaffected by Brexit. From a practical perspective, the notification process with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is expected to remain essentially the same. We discussed Jersey’s current position and what Brexit mean s for local businesses, including what opportunities might be on the horizon.

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